Apple Car Play - Spotify Volume

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Post by Kieran1903 »

Hi all,

New to the Forum. Picked up my Red 1.6 Petrol Hybrid Astra L today. A year old but only 800 miles on it. Swapped the Bmw 3 series for it.

Picked it up from England today and drove back to Aberdeen. Love it in every aspect so far. However, there is one thing that has annoyed me and i’m hoping it isn’t going to be an issue/easy fix.

Im a bit of a headbanger, so occasionally, ill use spotify on Apple Car Play and crank up the volume. It appears to be fine up to volume level 14, but if i go beyond that, anywhere up to 30 (Max Volume) it decreases. Tried some of the sound settings within Spotify and in car sound, but nothing fixed it.

Thought it was perhaps auto adjusting it (other cars in past have done this when breaking and increasing volume if accelerating.

Any suggestions?

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Post by Kieran1903 »

Just wanted to add, this appears to be a fault with DAB radio as well, so not just apple car play.

Also found comments under an audio review of the astra with a person having the same issue.

Must be a speaker issue/speaker wiring?

Edit: such a weird fault, appears to be fine when i get into the car and stationary, then reduces when driving.
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Post by srscott44 »

Very odd. Funny I like my music loud as well but mine doesn't do that. Some phones limit the volume to prevent hearing damage, could your phone be doing that maybe? Could be a dealer thing.
Re DAB - I switched back to FM which took some fiddling to find. The DAB signal around where I live is rubbish.
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Post by Kieran1903 »

Hi Scott,

Turns out that it’s not actually a spotify or phone issue, but the speakers distorting sounds at high volume. Tried it with DAB radio songs and same issue occured, so looks to be an ampage, speaker or wiring issue.

It’s the strangest thing. Limit on the car would be 18, anything above that and the volume then gets lower than it would be on 18, then when you turn the volume down, it’s silent at volume level 6.

Have contacted local vauxhall dealer and waiting to hear back, but came across 2 other people with the same issue.
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Post by srscott44 »

That would drive me mad!
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Post by Nachopel »

Hi guys! I have the same problem here. The thing is that when I listen to music I can perceive how the volume goes up and down as if It had a limiter or compressor activated and it is quite annoying.
Did you get any answers or solutions?
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